Jan 21, 2009

Things u . Nvr know

There somthing you never know your mobile phone could do........ Check this out!

A few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies. Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival.Check out the things that you can do with it : -

1. Emergency
The Emergency Number worldwide for mobile is [112]. If you find yourself out of coverage area of your mobile network and there is an emergency , dial 122 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you , and interestingly this number 122 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked. Try it out !!!

2. Have you locked your keys in the car? Does you car have remote keys?
This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone :
If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone .

Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no subject . You could be hundreds if miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other "remote" for your car, you can unlock the doors (on the trunk) .

3. Hidden Battery Power
imagine your cell battery is very low, you are expecting and important call and you don't have a charger . Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate , press the key *3370#. Your cell will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery . This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell next time .

4. How to disable a stolen mobile phone ?
To check your mobile phone's serial number, key in the following digits on your phone [*#06#]

A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keet it somewhere safe. When your phone get stolen, you can phone your sevice provider and give them this code. They will then able to block your handset so even is the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use / sell it either. If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phone.

Jan 19, 2009

男人 . 的消夜 [篇]

女人,你们搞清楚了消夜的含义吗? 这是一对情侣在电话中的谈话...

男 : “ DEAR…. 我饿了,现在要去吃消夜."

女人不以为然的答到 : “ 哦好啊…… 别饿坏了,赶快去吃吧! 记得吃饱饱哦! "

男人 : “OK 啦…. 我会的. 吃完了再CALL 你~ “


女人 : “ 你怎么敢和别的女人鬼混??? “

男人 : “我有向你交代啊….是你让我去的! 你要我别饿坏自己,还要我吃饱饱呢!! “

女人无言 …………

女人,你的男人又向你交代了吗???? 呵呵.......

[这是和一位好朋友在电话交谈中突发而制的一个笑话...... 说过会把它放上来. 阿兴,你吃消夜了吗? 他说像他这样的好男人不吃"消夜" XP]

Jan 17, 2009

关于 . Travis Barker [篇]


Travis Landon Barker (born November 14, 1975) is an American drummer, who achieved most of his fame by drumming for the band Blink-182. He is currently the drummer for +44 and has also played for side projects Box Car Racer, Transplants and Expensive Taste.

In 1996, Barker joined his first touring band, playing drums for The Aquabats as The Baron Von Tito. He recorded one album with them, The Fury of the Aquabats!, in 1997. His career took off when he joined up with punk rock band, Blink-182 in 1998. Barker became known for his mohawk and his tendency to perform without a shirt, revealing a multitude of tattoos. Barker has since established himself as a versatile drummer, producing and guest appearing in music projects of numerous music genres including hip-hop, punk rock, alternative rock, ska, rap, pop and even country.

He founded a clothing company, Famous Stars and Straps in 1999, LaSalle Records in 2004, as well as a Wahoo's Fish Taco restaurant in Norco, California. Companies such as DC Shoes and Zildjian cymbals have co-designed products in his name. He has used Orange County Custom Drums to create his drum kits since before he became famous.

(Source from Facebook.com)

我是在中学时期开始喜欢BLINK182的音乐,也在他们Take Of Your Pants And Jacket专集的一首MV里 - Anthem part II 认识Travis Barker.接下来,听过了他们最后一张同名专集BLINK182就一直期待他们下一张专集.后来才得知他们解散了.现在Mark,Travis组建了Plus44乐队,Travis还担任了Transplant的鼓手.Tom也组建了新的乐队Angels and Airwaves. 听听看Travis Barker 的厉害.....

Travis Barker Remix Soulja Boy "Crank That"

Travis Barker - Low (Drum Remix)

Travis Barker Feat DJ Am - Fix Your Face

除此之外.... 他也担任过很多歌曲和专集鼓手.....

The Fury of the Aquabats (The Aquabats,1997)

Enema of the State (Blink-182,1999)

The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show: The Enema Strikes Back (Blink-182,2000)

Take Off Your Pants and Jacket(Blink-182,2001)

Box Car Racer (Box Car Racer,2002)

Transplants (Transplants,2002)

Blink-182 (Blink-182,2003)

Try This (Pink,2003)

Back In The Mudd (Bubba Sparxxx,2004)

Greatest Hits (Blink-182,2005)

Haunted Cities (Transplants,2005)

Trill (Bun B,2005)

When Your Heart Stops Beating ([[+44(band)|+44]],2006)

Can I Have It like That (Pharrell,2006)

Throw Some D's (Rich Boy,2006)

Pump It (Black Eyed Peas,2006)

TBA (Expensive Taste,2007)

Dj Skee Presents Expensive Taste (Expensive Taste,2007)

Wolves (Idiot Pilot,2007)

The Best Damn Thing (Avril Lavigne,2007)

Get Money, Stay True (Paul Wall,2007)

Umbrella (Rihanna,2007)

Doe Boy Fresh (Three 6 Mafia,2007)

Crank That (Soulja Boy) (Soulja Boy,2007)

The Way It Is (BLUESTeNATION,2007)

Black Roses (The Federation,2007) & .................... 还有一些熟悉的Club Hit都是他打的哦!

About Travis Barker -------------------------- END

Jan 15, 2009

影影 . 摄摄 [篇]

我们又去爬山啦,应该说是走山........ =P 这次除了GENG,KENT和我之外,还有SELENA,纳日苏还有IVY.由于这次比较多人,所以就选择了比较远但却比较安全的路程. 一路上停停拍拍,走了几个小时才到达目的......

在半路上,我们看到了一条颜色很漂亮的蛇.......... 阿GENG还一下就把它捉了起来...


这次用相机拍的比较多.............. 胶卷胶卷........ 还有很多都还没拿去洗......... 期待期待....

支持 . 本地音乐 [篇]

在这里跟大家分享一首很不错本地英文歌.这首歌每次在HITZ FM或是FLY FM都常常听到,可是一直不知道是什么乐团的歌曲.直到SELENA也说起这首歌才知道歌曲的名字....... 在GOOGLE找了很久才把歌曲顺利下载......马上就UPLOAD到我的部落FM啦.......


虽然MV是LOW BUGGET了一点,犏曲也有一点LOCAL FEEL ....... 可是本地有这样的独立音乐真的算是不错了...........很喜欢女VOCAL的声音 =)


Jan 10, 2009

选择 . 割舍 [篇]



Jan 5, 2009

恶灵 . 古堡 [篇]

这是某个高原的一个地方.这次很容幸的有这样的机会和两位恶灵古堡的节目主持一起去探险.早上6点,买了一些面包和REBENA就往目的地出发.本来只上山拍日出和到XXXXX COURT去看看.结果就越走越远.对于GEIN和KENT那两位已经熟悉地方的人不是问题,但对于我.........呵呵~上山就喘得半死了,加上又湿又冷到不行的天气,更是差点晕去~

主持 : GEIN & KENT
恶灵古堡的路上.....看到了许多荒废的东西....还有更奇怪的是,路上有很多被石头压着的小帖子.上面写着 ON ON BATU. 听主持说,那里除了他们以外,根本很少了知道这个荒废去,就连在高原工作许久的高层也未必知道.就算知道了,也没人会想来.......这个已经荒废的地方,除了我们还会有谁呢?

继续走......... 看到了一些没看过的野生植物...................

山花...... 不知道正确的名称..........





只爬到半山............. 看下去就是古堡的位置..............继续爬了一阵子,又看到了可爱的植物....


.................. 还有一个不知道是在消化着,还是素食的猪笼草.............



就是这里............................. 看起来很多颜色的棋子....................... 其实是........................


一些被烧毁的被白色布条.............. 还有一些看起来是马来SONGKOK的东东............听两位主持说,下面还有一个祭坛和一些香烛........ 好像是聚魂超度的地方.很好奇想到下面去看看,可是他们说有些危险....最后还是放弃继续上路....



第二天................ 进上来KACAU了........


这小子还跟GEIN借了假发,还有IVY的眼镜来玩................. -______________-"

对于我来说,这真是个难得的经验........ 毕竟自己连露营都没去过,还说什么爬山的,所以蛮开心的.而且在山上也影了很多照片.... 好期待拿去洗了的胶卷出来会是什么样子.......

P/S : 关于古堡短片,大家可以到http://www.chat818.com/去观览 XD

上车 . 记 [篇]


Jan 4, 2009

她她 . 与"她" [篇]





Stop thinkin too much....


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